Boost Awareness and Promote Your Customer Loyalty Program

Supporting your Customer Loyalty Program

Setting up a Customer Loyalty Program is one thing but building awareness and engagement in the long term is something else entirely. Take a look at our easy guide to boosting awareness and to promoting your Customer Loyalty Program for now, for tomorrow, and far, far beyond.

The early stages: getting the word out there

Customer Rewards can be a valuable inbound marketing tool as potential customers look to connect with the wide range of benefits you can offer. But first, you need to make sure people know about the Customer Loyalty Program.

Optimise the landing page

For most customers and leads, the first contact with your Customer Loyalty Program will come via your landing page. It is not important whether visitors arrive at your landing page from a mailing list or from a third party source – although your analytics should tell you this – the landing page still needs to pull its weight.

This means presenting all the information the visitor needs in an easily digestible fashion. How the program works, how points can be redeemed, points tiers, and terms and conditions; all of this needs to be effectively communicated, as well as information on how to sign up.

Harness as many promotional channels as you can

The modern digital landscape affords us many different channels for promotion. The bulk of these channels are free and highly effective. Build up your subscribers via Facebook and Google+, boost your followers on Instagram and Twitter, and do your research and find out which channels are best suited to your field. Then, use these resources to promote your program.

Deploy a permanent header link

Your website is a major in-bound marketing tool for all manner of products and services, including your Customer Loyalty Program. Visitors should be able to recognise immediately how they can benefit from, and sign up for, the program. Put a permanent link on your site’s header so that the Customer Loyalty Program can be accessed at any time.

Positive training for team members

Team members need to know precisely how to engage and how to promote the Customer Loyalty Program. Educate them thoroughly on the structure of the Customer Loyalty Program, on the Rewards which are accessible, on any frequently asked questions from customers, and on any other details pertinent to the Program.

The next steps: pushing those Loyalty Rewards

Be transparent about earning opportunities

Confusion is a killer for any Customer Loyalty Program. Your subscribers need to know exactly how they can earn points and how many Reward points they will earn for each action. Include information relating to this on a dedicated page on your site, and add context notes in any area in which points may be earned.

Tailored email threads for enrolled customers

Each visitor who signs up for the Customer Loyalty Program should be immediately entered into a Loyalty Reward mailing list. This mailing list will include the latest news regarding the Customer Loyalty Program and will reinforce how, where, and when subscribers can earn points, as well as ways in which these points can be redeemed.

Clear and precise points totals

This is a simple one, but one which often gets left by the wayside. Make certain that your subscribers always know how many points they have received and ensure that this points total is updated instantly every time new points are earned by using our software. We will automatically attach a points total widget to your site banner for subscribers to see every time they sign in.

Update your applications and digital assets

Deploying a mobile or tablet app alongside your Customer Loyalty Program is an effective way to engage users. However, this needs to be monitored. Our software will do this for you, conducting regular testing to make sure that apps are functioning in the right way across all platforms. We will also help you to release regular updates to ensure ongoing efficacy.

Rewards for the future: keeping engagement rolling

Reliable notification structures

Constant communication is vital to the effectiveness of your Customer Loyalty Program. This doesn’t mean you have to employ a dedicated team of advisers; a simple but straightforward automated system will suffice.

Whenever your subscribers earn points, they need a notification. The same applies when they are eligible or almost eligible to receive a new Reward, when they receive or are close to receiving a tier upgrade, or when their points are about to expire.

To keep your subscribers happy, you should provide notification management options, enabling them to tailor their notification settings to their own preference. However, these notifications must always be available and activated as a default.

Incentive innovation

How are you incentivising your subscribers? What customer Rewards are you offering for different point totals? This is not something you can simply set and forget about. Instead, you should be constantly appraising the incentives you offer and innovating new and exciting Rewards schemes to boost engagement.

Promotional events

Inject further life into your Rewards campaign with promotional events at regular intervals. Arrange time periods in which subscribers can collect double points or can receive bonus points for certain activities. Publicise these well ahead of time and boost the momentum of engagement.

Want to learn more about Customer Loyalty Programs? Find out how our customisable software platforms can give your program the winning foundation it needs.

Get in touch with our team of loyalty specialists today