Issue a branded virtual card
Generate and issue branded virtual payment cards, keeping your brand at ‘top of mind’ each time consumers transact
Create your own marketplace
Invite merchants to provide discounts, points, or cashback to your cardholders for purchases made with their brand
Promote geo-targeted offers
Highlight offers that are within close proximity to your cardholders and drive traffic to relevant store locations

On-demand, branded virtual and physical cards
Set and manage payment limits and campaigns
Expense management for business
Set custom controls for every user transaction
Link offers to specific locations
Deliver personalised communications
Enable real-time, mobile notifications

Custom offer creation
Create your own Card Linked Offers and invite participating merchants to publish on your platform
Real-time data and reporting
Access live campaign analytics to monitor offer views, total redemptions and transaction amounts
Location based marketplace
Bring consumers back into brick and mortar retailers with offers that are redeemable in-store only
Effortless program management
Benefit from easy-to-use merchant on-boarding and offer creation templates